
Post op pain day #12, 16.10.2024

 Post op pain day #12, 16.10.2024 In a place of physical pain Where every breath hurts And i can't stop brooding That it can't get any worse… So many whys All over my brain And the ‘when will this end?’ I’m all drained.. Where will I go to?  To whom will I turn?  No one who understands All these laments from my being as it churns.. But there is a glimmer of hope Jesus walks in this valley with me Each painful step, each throb of pain He understands, totally.. I don’t understand Nor do I pretend to,  ‘Light and momentary afflictions’ Feel weighty and never ending too.. His hands are gentle They're also scarred And His visage  Was unrecognisably marred.. He bore the stripes All thirty nine vicious and brutal For our healing He did not struggle.. I can rest  Even in this, He is near This body will decay But He is here… Lisa Choudhrie

Our Commander during the crazy 11.10.2

 Our Commander during the crazy 11.10.2024 Anxiety was rampant Running amok in my brain Added to the crazy Was sheer physical pain..  Needed a respite Someone to share the load ‘Jesus, ‘ I begged ‘ please help me on this downhill road.. ‘ The words began to flow Full of healing and strength As my pen flew on the page The flow blew me away, in its breadth and length..  The Redeemer is as His name Specialist in the broken pieces Broken relationships,  Ironing out the creases..  He's still the Balm of Gilead The Lily of the valley The Bright and morning star Always answers, helps and rallies..  There's power in His name Not just a tired cliche But His grace freely flowing Brings wisdom and inspiration - touche..  So we can rise in His power Legions of angels fighting for us Jehovah Gibbor our leader His blood shield on us..  Stand strong my wayfarer The Lord fights on our behalf We are over comers In His name, the Name our Rod and Staff..  Lisa Choudhrie
 Intrusive thoughts 21.9.2024 Saw it this morning It got embedded in my brain And it's sitting there gross and gloating And coming up again and again..  The images get worse Can't get them to stop Horrid and haunting And my mind's getting lost..  Swallowing my tablet Sweet relief in a bit Short lived, nevertheless relief Rescue from the slimy pit..  Welcome my friend To the world of intrusive thoughts Sick, unrelenting My mind feels trapped and caught..  The obsessions, the anxiety The low moods and depression Doggedly tail me With their weird symptoms..  ‘Jesus, distract my mind Give me alternative thoughts Help me, save me from this death trap You're all I've got.. ‘ And He answers through eternity ‘ child I'm fighting for you Not a hair of yours can fall I'm taking you through.. ‘ ‘Dark and rough path But I hold your hand tight,  Rest in my arms, find your peace and rest Up ahead is the light.. ‘ Lisa Choudhrie
  Autumn equinox       21.9.2024 Autumnal equinox tomorrow Great excitement building in the sky The stars clamoring and cheering Praising our Great God’s name on high! The great globe of our planet The tilting away from the sun A new season in the offing New times, new moments to come.. A day when dark and light Ideas,  photons,  illuminations Will be equal in time What a work of great thought and imagination! God’s plans are brilliant Not staid or mundane,  no Sir! His timings are perfect No room for complaints or murmurs… The two hemispheres of the earth Divided by imaginary lines But God has revealed these by His Spirit His ways are perfect,  so well defined.. Another hundred days of this year to go We need to learn to number our days The only guarantee we have are His promises That nothing stands in His way… He calls the light to be And the darkness runs and hides He makes the visible from the invisible And He longs to live in our hearts, abide.. So listen to the eternal clock tick
  The Hand of God  8.9.2024 A monument of love  A monument of memories Stands tall on our verandah A veritable treasury… Made and crafted Hours spent planning and sanding Cutting the wood, angles and levels Our beloved brother carpenter, all standing.. Shelves made from Buddy’s ramp For our doggie’s rides in Mastani He grew too old to jump in, His heart was still young- ready for journeys.. Pots and plants grace the shelves Special plants that will cascade  We water and they grow Miracle of God’s life- foliage.. Strip lighting adorns the frame Soon the lights will come on As we do when God’s love fills our hearts Lasting enduring love, that’s never gone… On the lower most shelf there’s a Hand Not any which old hand you see Its the Hand of our Creator Who gave life to you and me… What did He see as He was working?  The variety and subtlety of greens Bet He was smiling as He shaped the leaves And the stems, fruits, roots and the trees… What did He see as He was shaping us?  Mere mortals,
  Anxiety- the snake            29.8.2024 The snake strikes again Sabotaging my mind My heart thuds, my limbs grow weak Paralysed, helpless, trembling inside.. Stops me in my tracks Throws me off balance Catastrophic waves Slapping me every direction, every chance.. I take my medicine That’s step one of the game Slow down and breathe Turn a deaf ear to the guilt and shame.. And I turn to Jesus My Gentle Shepherd I’m the one stuck in the thicket My cries and pleas are heard.. Carry me Lord,  This day seems too long I’m not who I appear to be I’m feeble and weak, not strong.. He says, in His strong and gentle voice As He lifts me tenderly Those broad shoulders Those arms of love, holding me… ‘ I carry you through the fire and flood I carry you when the storm howls I carry you, when you feel alone Do not fear, I’ll never leave you forlorn…’ ‘This day, I’ll walk with you Help you with your burden Come, rest your weary spirit I have manna from heaven..’ ‘Each painful moment That feels like
  A day of rest     25.8.2024 The jaunty kingfisher Whizzed past, a blur of blue He sang merrily and loud As on his way he flew..  Bright and cheerful notes Contrast to the grey bellied clouds Singing in time to the wind Confident, fearless, there was no doubt..  A day of rest A day of quiet after a week, long A day of refreshment As God gives each their unique song..  Joy in the green grass Joy in the squelchy mud Joy of creative work Joy in the hammer, nail going thud..  There's blessing in each moment After a night of rain Gratitude for precious ones Sharing journeys- toils and strains..  Young laughter rising Mirrored in the eye of experience Middle agers recounting Voices and tones loud with exuberance..  The Good Lord watches over us Not one sparrow can fall His loving hand keeps us His ears faithful to our cries and calls..  Where does the wind come from?  And where will it go?  We don't need the answers Our loving Father knows..  Be of good courage,  Heart of my own hea