
Showing posts from August, 2024
  A day of rest     25.8.2024 The jaunty kingfisher Whizzed past, a blur of blue He sang merrily and loud As on his way he flew..  Bright and cheerful notes Contrast to the grey bellied clouds Singing in time to the wind Confident, fearless, there was no doubt..  A day of rest A day of quiet after a week, long A day of refreshment As God gives each their unique song..  Joy in the green grass Joy in the squelchy mud Joy of creative work Joy in the hammer, nail going thud..  There's blessing in each moment After a night of rain Gratitude for precious ones Sharing journeys- toils and strains..  Young laughter rising Mirrored in the eye of experience Middle agers recounting Voices and tones loud with exuberance..  The Good Lord watches over us Not one sparrow can fall His loving hand keeps us His ears faithful to our cries and calls..  Where does the wind come from?  And where will it go?  We don't need the answers Our loving Father knows..  Be of good courage,  Heart of my own hea
  Time talks       21.8.2024 How does the evening steal the light?  As age creases our faces The days fly, the moments unending In our times and our spaces.. We pass this way but once Time and tide wait for none A moment as a lifetime Bitter, sweet, painful, fun… We spend our days here on the earth Thoughtlessly, more often than not And when life catches up with us Find our peace lost.. Trends change, fashion comes full circle What once was will soon be And the clock ticks softly or loud As we move onto eternity.. Wrinkles and lines crease our faces No amount of airbrushing can help No elixir of youth Been discovered yet.. But, waiting on Him renews our strength We can fly on eagles’ wings Steady and strong, run and walk As sure as the song of the wind.. His word renews our inner man Is life and health and strength We can drink and eat and be refreshed He is our shield and help.. Look to Him and be radiant! He is the Author of our Faith! Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus And keep on running
  Heads up!!!               1.12.20 It's time !!!!  Open doors, let in the light Can't go on pretending That everything's alright.. Storms in my head- Auras, surreal beautiful Pounders- Blinding pain Lighting, thunder rain.. I'm a migraneur That's my new name... Overwhelming anxiety Feels as if I'm unprepared for life And how it'll hit me.. Worrying ceaselessly Trying to control Everything Everybody Dreading  Tomorrow And what it'd bring Catastrophic thinking Concerning everything.. Coping, struggling Easy days and tough Mood swings weepy spells 'Black dog'  Life under a grey cloud.. Abysmal darkness Unending tunnel No glimmer No flicker  Of light Helpless Hopeless Given up No end In sight.. Severe pain With nothing to show  No fracture to fix No surgery required Crazy behaviour Hating myself For being this way Hurting myself The ones that I love.. Unable to do The simplest of tasks Getting out of bed Brushing my teeth Taking a bath.. Everest lik