A day of rest     25.8.2024

The jaunty kingfisher

Whizzed past, a blur of blue

He sang merrily and loud

As on his way he flew.. 

Bright and cheerful notes

Contrast to the grey bellied clouds

Singing in time to the wind

Confident, fearless, there was no doubt.. 

A day of rest

A day of quiet after a week, long

A day of refreshment

As God gives each their unique song.. 

Joy in the green grass

Joy in the squelchy mud

Joy of creative work

Joy in the hammer, nail going thud.. 

There's blessing in each moment

After a night of rain

Gratitude for precious ones

Sharing journeys- toils and strains.. 

Young laughter rising

Mirrored in the eye of experience

Middle agers recounting

Voices and tones loud with exuberance.. 

The Good Lord watches over us

Not one sparrow can fall

His loving hand keeps us

His ears faithful to our cries and calls.. 

Where does the wind come from? 

And where will it go? 

We don't need the answers

Our loving Father knows.. 

Be of good courage, 

Heart of my own heart

His Presence goes with us

The end has been mapped out, from the start.. 

Lisa Choudhrie


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